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Art Galleries and Museums

Art galleries and Museums acquire, conserve and exhibit extraordinarily rare pieces of art and antiquities, sometimes jewels, and all of them are extremely valuable and expensive.  When multi-million dollar works of art are on display, executives and board of directors encourage as many people as possible to enjoy the art while ensuring it is protected.  Their desire is to encourage the public to come within touching distance of the artwork while having security measures in place to deter vandals, thieves or the inquisitive 5th grader. 

Art gallery security, museum security

Security Services Can Include:

Entrance greeter and facility access control

Guest and visitor monitoring and assistance

Security command center monitoring (cameras and alarm systems)

Fire watch

Special Event Security

Monitoring and mitigating unruly or unwelcome behavior on the property

Emergency response

Enforcement of company policies

Apollo Protection Agency can create and implement a customized construction site security solution that will mitigate security risks, reduce theft and other losses, and sustain profitability. We offer the most comprehensive, reliable and professional security for construction sites available.
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